Thursday, February 24, 2011

Complete Fold

Heyho everyone,
This will be just a quick post tonight since I am busy studying for my Pixar interview and for the alpha presentation tomorrow.
This week in addition to preparing my alpha video I did the following things:
-Cleaned up some code
-Experimented with adding friction forces to the paper when it collides with the ground
-Added quad rendering for the lattice to make it look like paper
-Removed the bend springs that lied along the fold axis
-Experimented with where I apply the torque
-Played with constant values for gravity and spring constants

The coolest thing is that I was able to get a complete fold done. The rest angle of the fold can also be toggled between 0 and PI so that the fold can be undone. The lattice is also incredibly stable, so the folding can happen multiple times. Enjoy the video:


  1. That looks pretty great! Will this this same system/setup continue to work for multiple folds (e.g. folding back half of a corner after the first fold is complete*) or does it only work for just a single fold at this point?

    *Apologies for lack of proper origami terminology.

  2. Really awesome results!

    Lu stole our first question! For our second question: after you fold the paper one way and unfold it, can you then fold it in the opposite direction on the same crease? You mentioned something in the alpha review about changing the spring structure when the paper was folded. Also, would you make it so that folding along the same crease is easier/requires less force after it's been folded along that axis once?

    *Apologies for Lu's lack of proper origami terminology.
