Thursday, February 10, 2011

RK4 and Reading

This past week was pretty hectic. I spent a lot of time working on internship applications and getting my demo reel in order for said applications. So this week I was able to do the following things:
-Reformatted parts of my spring code so it is easier to debug
-Fixed a fatal flaw in my midpoint implementation that was causing problems
-Implemented RK4
I also been reading through the papers Joe posted as comments in my last post in an effort to understanding implicit and imex integrators. So now I think I am better prepared to implement them for next week. I also hope to start the implementation of rotational springs to get some basic folding going. That way I can have some folding going for alpha review. As a final treat, enjoy the hammock images from my RK4 integration:


  1. Looks good! Since you don't have to worry about real-time folding (right?), I would probably implement a general RK(n) algorithm. That way you can use some really stiff springs without having to worry about explosions. Up to you of course though, you probably won't run into any problems with RK4 anyway.

  2. You might want to look at Suejung Huh's Penn PhD thesis where she got material (cloth) properties by a very straightforward method. Otherwise you need a Kawabota machine. NB
